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China Briefing整理的中美贸易战时间线(全英文),数据源


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Both US China Industry






白宫官员称 它有华为通过后门访问世界各地手机通信网络的证据 ,但美国没有公开证据,只是表示已与英国和德国共享了情报。美国国家安全顾问 Robert O’Brien 称,我们有证据华为有能力秘密访问其在全世界销售和维护的系统中的敏感和个人信息。这一情报被归类为高度机密,直到去年才开始与盟友分享。美国官员称,他们早在 2009 年华为的 4G 设备中就观察到了其后门访问。但美国官员拒绝说华为是否使用了 …全文

影响:4星, 类型:US, 相关新闻



美国司法部长 William Barr 表示 ,美国及其盟友应考虑采取非同寻常的手段,获得芬兰诺基亚和瑞典爱立信的“控制性股权”,以对抗华为在 5G 技术领域的主导地位。Barr 在一个会议上 表示 ,有人提议“通过让美国与诺基亚和/或爱立信结盟”,应对相关担忧。这凸显出美国采取措施对抗华为的意愿有多么强烈。Barr 称,结盟的达成可能“以美国取得控制性股权的方式实现,要么是直接购买,要么通过美国 …全文

影响:3星, 类型:Industry, 相关新闻

US, China sign phase one trade deal

US and China finally signed the long-awaited phase one trade deal at the White House, easing 18-month trade tensions between the world’s two biggest economies.

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US officially drops China’s currency manipulator label

US officially drops China’s currency manipulator label

影响:4星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Meng Wanzhou

The Canadian Department of Justice says the allegations against Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou would be a crime in Canada and she should be extradited to the United States on fraud charges.

影响:4星, 类型:Industry, 相关新闻

US, China agree to ‘phase one deal’ just before next tariff hike

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China releases second set of US products to be excluded from additional tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US releases new regulatory guidelines for its telecom networks procedure to protect telecom networks from national security threats

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China Talk Tariff Rollback

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China wins WTO case, able to sanction US$3.6 billion worth US imports

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US, China negotiators talk over phone, agree on trade points “in principle”

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US tariff exclusion process for US$300 billion of Chinese imports

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US announces “Phase 1” deal, delays tariff increase for Chinese goods

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US releases new tariff exemption lists, which exempt over 400 Chinese goods from tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US-China mid-level trade talks in Washington

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China exempts various agricultural products from additional tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

China unveils tariff exemption list for US imports

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

China and US agree to 13th round of trade talks

影响:4星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China lodges WTO tariff case against the US

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

Tariffs come in force as scheduled

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Liu calls for calm, Trump says talks will proceed

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

Trump, White House make contradictory statements

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China announces US$75 billion in tariffs on US goods, Trump threatens tariff increases on Chinese goods

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US delays tariffs on certain products and removes items from the list

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China agree to talk again in two weeks

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US declares China is a currency manipulator

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Chinese companies suspend new US agricultural product purchases

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

Trump says US will impose 10 percent tariffs on another US$300 billion of Chinese goods starting September 1

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Shanghai trade talks end with little progress being made

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Trump Presses World Trade Organization on China

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

High level trade talks to begin in Shanghai next week

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China scrambles to stem manufacturing exodus as 50 companies leave To counter tariff blow, government eases restrictions and offers perks

影响:5星, 类型:Industry, 相关新闻

Trump threatens tariffs on US$325 billion of Chinese goods (despite promises not to), new member on China’s negotiating team

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US exempts 110 Chinese products from 25 percent tariffs, issues licenses to American Huawei suppliers

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

HP, Dell and Microsoft look to join electronics exodus from China

影响:5星, 类型:Industry, 相关新闻

Trade talks to restart, ban on Huawei relaxed

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Tentative truce reached days before G20 Summit

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US adds another five Chinese entities to its ‘entity list’

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Apple considers moving 15% to 30% of production capacity out of China: report

影响:5星, 类型:Industry, 相关新闻

Xi and Trump rekindle trade talks ahead of G20 meeting

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China issues white paper on US-China economic relations

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China increases tariffs on US$60 billion worth of products

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

China establishes its very own ‘unreliable entities’ list

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US places Huawei on its ‘entity list’, banning it from purchasing from US companies

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China announces tariff hikes on US products

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US increases tariff from 10 percent to 25 percent

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Trump threatens to raise tariffs on China

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China hold trade talks in Beijing

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China agree to establish trade deal enforcement offices

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China hold trade talks in Washington

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China bans all types of fentanyl

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

China extends the suspension of additional tariffs on US autos and auto parts

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US and China hold trade talks in Beijing after one month break

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China hold trade talks in Washington; Trump extends tariff deadline

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China hold trade talks in Beijing

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Trump says he will not meet with Xi before trade deal deadline

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China hold 2-day trade talks in Washington D.C.

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US cancels preparatory talks with China

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China engage in 3-day trade talks in Beijing

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China to temporarily lower tariffs on US autos; resumes buying US soybean exports

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China agree to temporary truce

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US releases list of proposed export controls on emerging technologies

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China resume trade talks

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US reportedly prepared to announce tariffs on remaining Chinese products

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China officials resume contact

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US and China implement third round of tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China cancels trade talks with US

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

China announces retaliation for US tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US finalizes tariffs on US$200 billion of Chinese goods

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US invites China to re-open negotiations

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Trump threatens new tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China implement second round of tariffs, China files second WTO complaint

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US-China dialogue

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China files WTO claim against US

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

Second round of tariffs finalized and released

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China announces second round of tariffs on US products

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US tariffs revisions (US$200 billion)

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US releases second tariff list

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

US implements first China-specific tariffs

影响:5星, 类型:Both, 相关新闻

China revises its initial tariff list (25 percent on 106 products) to now include a 25 percent tariff on 545 products (valued at US$34 billion). This tariff will take effect July 6, 2018. China also proposes a second round of 25 percent tariffs on a further 114 products (valued at US$16 billion).

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

Initial list of products reduced and finalized. List 1 now implements a 25 percent tariff on a reduced 818 products (from 1,334) and is set to take effect on July 6, 2018. List 2 of 284 new products is also announced and under consideration.

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US and ZTE agree to deal that will allow ZTE to resume business.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Two days of trade talks between US and China held in Beijing.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US reinstates tariff plans after brief truce.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China agree to put the trade war on hold after China reportedly agrees to buy more US goods.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China’s Commerce Ministry announces that it will stop tariffs on US sorghum at negotiations.

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

Trump promises to help ZTE in a tweet.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US-China engage in trade talks in Beijing, where the US demands that China reduce the trade gap by US$200 billion within two years. Talks end with no resolution.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China announces antidumping duties of 178.6 percent on imports of sorghum from the US.

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US Department of Commerce concludes that Chinese telecom company ZTE violated US sanctions.
US companies are banned from doing business with ZTE for seven years.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China reacts to USTR’s initial list, and proposes 25 percent tariffs to be applied on 106 products (worth US$50 billion) on goods such as soybeans, automobile, chemicals (list revised on June 16).

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

The USTR releases an initial list of 1,334 proposed products (worth US$50 billion) subject to a potential 25 percent tariff (list revised June 15).

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

China imposes tariffs (ranging 15-25 percent) on 128 products (worth US$3 billion) including fruit, wine, seamless steel pipes, pork and recycled aluminium in retaliation to the US’ steel and aluminium tariffs.

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

US imposes a 25 percent tariff on all steel imports (except from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea) and a 10 percent tariff on all aluminium imports (except from Argentina and Australia).

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Trump signs a memorandum directing the following acts:

To file a WTO case against China for their discriminatory licensing practices;
To restrict investment in key technology sectors; and
To impose tariffs on Chinese products (such as aerospace, information communication technology and machinery).
影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

The US implements ‘global safeguard tariffs’ – placing a 30 percent tariff on all solar panel imports, except for those from Canada, (worth US$8.5 billion) and a 20 percent tariff on washing machine imports (worth US$1.8 billion).

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Trump pays a “state visit plus” to China, where relations were considered to have warmed.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

The USTR initiates an investigation into certain acts, policies and practices of the Chinese government relating to technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

US and China agree to a trade deal that would give US firms greater access to China’s agriculture, energy, and financial markets, while China gains access to sell cooked poultry to the US.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

The USTR is authorized to investigate whether steel/aluminium imports pose a threat to national security.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻

Xi visits Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, where they agree to set up a 100 Day Action Plan to resolve trade differences.

影响:5星, 类型:China, 相关新闻

While campaigning for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, Trump says “We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing. It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world.” The statement is one of many that Trump makes on the campaign trail about China’s trade practices.

影响:5星, 类型:US, 相关新闻